4 Things to Consider When Buying a Commercial Refrigerator
Are you an entrepreneur who ventures into food items and is looking to invest in a Visi-Cooler, Deep Freezer, or Pastry Cabinet, then you must pay attention to the below information. If you’re planning to buy a commercial refrigeration system, then don’t make hasty decisions. A commercial refrigerator is costly and if you end up buying a cheap system then it is going to cost you even more. It is like spending 10 pennies for saving one. It is a long-term investment, which has to be made wisely. Here are the four factors that are important to keep in mind, while buying a commercial refrigeration system for your business.
The location where you want to install your commercial refrigerator is crucial in informing your purchase. Choose a spot near the kitchen or inside the kitchen, a spot which is optimal for the smooth functioning of your kitchen or cooking space. It is important to evaluate and measure the space of the place so that you can purchase the exact unit that can be placed within it. Always evaluate the space in the kitchen, before investing in a commercial refrigerator.
The type of food that you need to store.
Food items are going to be an important factor while making a purchase of commercial refrigeration, as it will determine the type of refrigeration system you need. Is it going to be milk products or ice creams, that you need to store then a deep-freezer will be your ideal system. If you are planning to store aerated drinks or juices, then go for a visi-cooler. If you are a confectioner, then a pastry cabinet is all that you need. You need to figure out what kind of static refrigeration system do you need for your food business, do you want a glass door static refrigeration system, wherein the customer have easy access to the products, or do you want a refrigeration unit just to store your raw material. Assessing your food items can guide your purchase in commercial static refrigeration systems.
Size of the Refrigeration Unit
Evaluating the space that you have assigned for the refrigeration system is important. In India, if you are a small-scale food entrepreneur, struggling to make space for the kitchen or store raw items, then it is advisable to buy two or three small units based on the quantity of food. But never let your refrigeration system take up more space of your kitchen, as it will interfere with the other tasks.
Choosing the right brand
Your purchase can be an investment or wastage based on the brand you select for purchase, when it comes to commercial static refrigeration unit. Always make your purchase after reading the customer reviews. A reliable brand can offer you the right kind of services, when it comes to untimely repairs in pre-warranty period. Never take your refrigeration purchase lightly, ensure every factor and then go for it. It is decision that can affect your profit and time in the long run.